Perfect Salt and Pepper Chips in Air Fryer

salt and pepper chips air fryer

Discover how to make the crispiest salt and pepper chips in your air fryer. A simple, delicious recipe that promises a healthier indulgence.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn the secrets to making perfect salt and pepper chips in an air fryer.
  • Enjoy a healthier alternative to deep-fried chips with minimal oil.
  • Control the ingredients and avoid preservatives or additives.
  • Satisfy your craving for flavorful salt and pepper chips with this quick and easy recipe.
  • Experiment with variations and serving suggestions to customize your chips.

Why Make Salt and Pepper Chips in the Air Fryer?

Making salt and pepper chips in the air fryer offers a healthier alternative to deep frying. The air fryer uses minimal oil, resulting in crispy chips with less fat. It’s a budget-friendly option compared to ordering from a takeaway, and you have control over the ingredients, avoiding any preservatives or additives. Plus, it’s a quick and easy way to satisfy your craving for flavorful salt and pepper chips.

If you’re looking for a guilt-free indulgence, the air fryer is the perfect kitchen companion. By using hot air circulation technology, it mimics the effects of traditional frying, achieving that irresistible crunch without the excess oil. As a result, you can enjoy your favorite salt and pepper chips without compromising your health.

The air fryer’s ability to create crispy chips with minimal oil makes it a popular choice among health-conscious individuals. You can enjoy the same satisfying taste and crispiness of deep-fried chips with a fraction of the fat content. These delicious chips are perfect for anyone who wants to maintain a balanced diet while still enjoying their favorite snack.

“The air fryer provides a healthier cooking method for salt and pepper chips. It’s an efficient way to enjoy crispy chips without the guilt.” – Mark Johnson, Culinary Expert

Not only are air fryer salt and pepper chips healthier, but they are also incredibly easy to make. With just a few simple ingredients, you can create a delicious and flavorful snack right in the comfort of your own kitchen. No need to worry about going out or waiting for delivery; you can make these tasty chips whenever your cravings strike.

So, if you’re looking for a healthier alternative to deep-fried chips, it’s time to give the air fryer a try. Indulge in the irresistible combination of salt and pepper flavors while knowing that you are making a healthier choice.

Ingredients for Salt and Pepper Chips

homemade salt and pepper chips

To make the perfect salt and pepper chips, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • Potatoes (or frozen oven chips)
  • Mixed peppers
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Chinese five-spice powder
  • Salt
  • Ground white pepper
  • Optional chili and spring onions for garnish

If you prefer convenience, you can use store-bought frozen oven chips. Otherwise, you can make your own chunky chips from scratch for that homemade touch.

Cooking Methods: Air Fryer vs. Oven

air fryer salt and pepper chips

When it comes to cooking your salt and pepper chips, you have two options: using an air fryer or an oven. However, if you aim to achieve crispy perfection, the air fryer is the recommended choice.

Preheating is crucial for both cooking methods. Make sure to preheat your air fryer or oven according to the manufacturer’s instructions for the best results. This ensures that your chips cook evenly and develop that irresistible crunch.

In the air fryer, it is important to toss the chips halfway through the cooking process. This guarantees even cooking and prevents them from sticking together. By following this simple step, you can achieve evenly crispy salt and pepper chips every time.

On the other hand, if you decide to use the oven, place the chips on a baking tray in a single layer. This allows for proper air circulation and ensures even browning. Similar to the air fryer method, you may also want to flip the chips halfway through baking to achieve that delightful crunch.

The table below provides a quick comparison of the two cooking methods:

Air FryerOven
Recommended for crispy chipsSuitable for a crisp texture
Toss halfway through for even cookingFlip halfway through for even browning
Uses minimal oil for a healthier versionRequires slightly more oil for browning
Cooking time may vary, depending on the modelCooking time may vary, depending on the oven

Whether you choose the air fryer or oven method, you’ll be able to enjoy crispy, flavorful salt and pepper chips that will satisfy your cravings. So, get ready to indulge guilt-free in a classic dish made to perfection.

Making the Salt and Pepper Seasoning

flavorful salt and pepper chips

The secret to achieving flavorful salt and pepper chips lies in the perfect blend of seasonings. The savory combination of salt, white pepper, Chinese five-spice powder, and optional MSG creates a unique and delicious taste. These ingredients work harmoniously to deliver a punch of flavor with a hint of Chinese-inspired spices.

To enhance the taste of your chips, start by mixing equal parts of salt and white pepper. These traditional seasonings provide a well-balanced foundation for your dish.

Next, add Chinese five-spice powder to the mixture. This aromatic blend adds depth to the seasoning, infusing your chips with a fragrant and irresistible aroma. Feel free to adjust the amount of Chinese five-spice powder according to your personal taste preferences.

For those who enjoy an extra umami kick, including a small amount of MSG in your salt and pepper chips can elevate their flavor profile. However, this ingredient is entirely optional and can be omitted if desired.

Once you’ve combined the ingredients, make sure to thoroughly mix them to ensure an even distribution of flavors. You’re now ready to use this tantalizing salt and pepper seasoning to transform ordinary chips into a culinary masterpiece!

Remember, the key to achieving the perfect balance of flavors is to experiment and adjust the seasoning quantities to suit your taste. Whether you prefer a bolder spice or a milder flavor, you have the freedom to customize the seasoning to your preference.


  • For a spicier twist, consider adding a pinch of chili flakes or cayenne pepper to the seasoning mixture.
  • Ensure you mix the seasonings thoroughly, so the flavors are evenly distributed across the chips.
  • Feel free to experiment with different ratios of salt, white pepper, and Chinese five-spice powder to discover your perfect blend of flavors.

Cooking the Salt and Pepper Chips

easy salt and pepper chips

Now comes the exciting part – cooking the delicious salt and pepper chips! Follow these simple steps to create a tasty and satisfying dish.

  1. First, heat oil in a pan or wok over medium heat.
  2. Add the finely chopped onion and garlic to the hot pan, and sauté them until they become fragrant and slightly softened.
  3. Next, add the vibrant and colorful mixed peppers and chili to the pan. Stir-fry for a short time, allowing the flavors to infuse and the peppers to retain their crunchiness.
  4. Now, it’s time to add the cooked chips to the pan. Gently toss everything together, making sure all the chips are coated with the aromatic spices.
  5. If desired, garnish the dish with fresh spring onions and an extra sprinkle of chili for an added kick.
  6. Finally, serve the salt and pepper chips immediately while they’re still hot and crispy.

Enjoy the irresistible combination of flavors and textures in each mouthful. The crispy chips, sautéed vegetables, and fragrant spices create a harmonious blend that will tantalize your taste buds.

Tips for Making Perfect Salt and Pepper Chips

When it comes to making the perfect salt and pepper chips, there are a few tips and tricks that can take your dish to the next level. These techniques will help you achieve crispy and flavorful chips that are both delicious and healthier.

  1. Slice the veggies beforehand: Before you start making the chips, take the time to slice the mixed peppers, onion, garlic, and any other veggies you plan to add. Prepping these ingredients in advance will make the cooking process faster and more efficient.
  2. Opt for chunky chips: Using chunky chips will give you a better texture and ensure that your chips stay crispy after cooking. Thin chips tend to become too soft and may lose their crunchiness.
  3. Coat chips evenly: To achieve a balanced flavor, make sure the chips are evenly coated with the Chinese five-spice mixture. Toss the chips gently in the seasoning until they are well-covered, ensuring every bite is bursting with deliciousness.
  4. Substitute black pepper if necessary: While white pepper is traditionally used for its authentic flavor, you can substitute it with black pepper if needed. The substitution will still give your chips a tasty kick.
  5. Avoid deep frying: Deep frying can lead to oil-soaked chips that are heavier and less healthy. Instead, opt for cooking your chips in an air fryer, using minimal oil. This method will produce crispy salt and pepper chips without the excess fat.

Follow these tips, and you’ll be well on your way to enjoying crispy, healthy salt and pepper chips that are packed with flavor.

Serving Suggestions and Variations

Salt and pepper chips are a versatile dish that can be enjoyed in various ways. Here are some serving suggestions and variations to enhance your salt and pepper chip experience.

Serving Suggestions

  1. Serve them on their own: The best salt and pepper chips can be enjoyed as a standalone snack. Their crispy exterior and flavorful seasoning make them a satisfying treat.
  2. Pair them with sweet chili sauce: For a tangy and slightly sweet dip, combine the savory salt and pepper chips with a side of sweet chili sauce. The contrasting flavors create a delightful combination.
  3. Try a spicier dip: If you prefer a bolder kick, pair the chips with a spicier dip like sriracha mayo or hot sauce. The heat will complement the seasoning and add an extra element of excitement to each bite.


  • Add extra vegetables: To elevate the nutritional value of your salt and pepper chips, consider adding more vegetables to the mix. Sautéed mushrooms, thinly sliced onions, or diced tomatoes can bring additional flavors and textures to the dish.
  • Include protein: For a heartier option, incorporate protein sources like diced chicken, prawns, or tofu into the salt and pepper chip recipe. The protein will enhance the overall taste and make the dish more satisfying as a main course.
  • Experiment with spices: While the traditional salt and pepper seasoning is delicious, feel free to explore different spice combinations to create your own unique twist. Consider ingredients like paprika, cayenne pepper, or even a touch of curry powder to add extra depth to the flavor profile.

By trying out various serving suggestions and experimenting with different variations, you can discover the best salt and pepper chips that cater to your taste preferences. Whether you enjoy them as a snack, a side dish, or part of a full meal, these flavorful chips are sure to impress.

Storing and Reheating Salt and Pepper Chips

Once you’ve enjoyed your delicious salt and pepper chips, you may have some leftovers. Don’t worry, you can store them for later and enjoy them again!

To ensure the chips stay fresh, it’s best to store them in an airtight container in the fridge. This will help maintain their crispiness and prevent them from becoming soggy.

Remember, leftover salt and pepper chips can be stored in the fridge for up to 3 days. After that, they may start to lose their texture and flavor.

When you’re ready to enjoy your leftovers, there are two ways to reheat them: in the air fryer or in the oven.

For the air fryer method, simply place the leftover chips back into the air fryer basket. Cook them at the same temperature you used initially until they are thoroughly heated. Keep a close eye on them to avoid overcooking.

If you prefer to use the oven, preheat it to the temperature you originally used. Spread the leftover chips on a baking sheet and place them in the oven. Cook until they are heated through.

It’s important to note that reheated chips may not be as crispy as freshly made ones. However, they will still have that delicious salt and pepper flavor.

Now that you know how to store and reheat your salt and pepper chips, you can enjoy them again and again without compromising on taste!

Storage and Reheating Tips
Store leftover salt and pepper chips in an airtight container in the fridge.
Reheat chips in the air fryer or oven until thoroughly heated.
Reheated chips may not be as crispy as freshly made ones.

Availability of Ingredients in the UK

In the UK, you can find a wide selection of frozen oven chips in supermarkets such as Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Waitrose, M&S, and Morrisons. These frozen chips are readily available and offer convenience for preparing delicious salt and pepper chips at home. They come in various sizes, brands, and flavors, catering to different preferences and dietary requirements.

You have the option to choose between store-brand chips or popular brands like McCain or Aunt Bessie’s. Each brand may offer its unique seasoning or cooking method, allowing you to experiment and find your favorite. Whether you prefer thin-cut, thick-cut, or crinkle-cut chips, you’ll find a range of options to suit your taste.

Here is a table showcasing some popular frozen oven chip brands available in the UK:

McCainHomestyle Straight Cut ChipsClassic Salted
Aunt Bessie’sChunky Homestyle ChipsSea Salt & Black Pepper
TescoFinest Chunky Oven ChipsPink Himalayan Salt & Tellicherry Black Pepper
Sainsbury’sFrozen Straight Cut ChipsSeasoned with Salt & Pepper

These frozen oven chips are a convenient and accessible choice for recreating the taste of UK Chinese takeaway chips in the comfort of your own kitchen. They require minimal preparation and cooking time, making them ideal for quick and easy meals.

Note: Always refer to the cooking instructions on the package for the recommended temperature and time to achieve the best results.


In conclusion, making perfect salt and pepper chips in the air fryer is an easy and convenient way to satisfy your cravings for crispy, flavorful chips. Compared to deep frying, the air fryer offers a healthier alternative that requires minimal oil, resulting in guilt-free indulgence. By experimenting with different variations and serving suggestions, you can customize the taste and create the best salt and pepper chips tailored to your liking.

With the right combination of seasoning and cooking methods, you can achieve the perfect balance of saltiness, pepperiness, and crunchiness. Whether you choose to use store-bought frozen oven chips or make your own from scratch, the air fryer ensures a consistent and delicious outcome.

Enjoy these easy salt and pepper chips as a standalone snack or as a delightful accompaniment to your favorite Chinese-inspired dishes. With their versatility and ability to complement different flavors, these chips are sure to be a hit at any gathering. So why not give it a try and experience the joy of homemade salt and pepper chips in the air fryer today?


Why should I make salt and pepper chips in the air fryer?

Making salt and pepper chips in the air fryer offers a healthier alternative to deep frying. The air fryer uses minimal oil, resulting in crispy chips with less fat. It’s a budget-friendly option compared to ordering from a takeaway, and you have control over the ingredients, avoiding any preservatives or additives. Plus, it’s a quick and easy way to satisfy your craving for flavorful salt and pepper chips.

What ingredients do I need to make salt and pepper chips?

To make salt and pepper chips, you’ll need potatoes (or frozen oven chips), mixed peppers, onion, garlic, Chinese five-spice powder, salt, ground white pepper, and optional chili and spring onions for garnish. You can use store-bought frozen oven chips for convenience or make your own chunky chips from scratch.

Can I cook salt and pepper chips in the oven?

Yes, you can cook the chips in the oven or air fryer. However, the air fryer is recommended for making crispy salt and pepper chips. Preheat the air fryer or oven and cook the chips according to the instructions. In the air fryer, toss the chips halfway through for even cooking and to avoid sticking.

How do I make the salt and pepper seasoning for the chips?

The salt and pepper seasoning for the chips includes a mixture of salt, white pepper, Chinese five-spice powder, and optional MSG. This adds a unique and delicious flavor to the chips, with a hint of Chinese-inspired taste. You can adjust the amount of seasoning according to your preference for spice.

How do I cook the salt and pepper chips?

Heat oil in a pan or wok, sauté the onion and garlic, then add the peppers and chili. Stir-fry for a short time before adding the cooked chips and tossing everything together to coat the spices. Garnish with spring onions and chili, if desired, and serve.

What tips can you provide for making perfect salt and pepper chips?

Slice the veggies and prepare them before making the chips for a faster cooking process. Use chunky chips for the best results and ensure they are evenly coated with the Chinese five-spice mixture. White pepper is important for the authentic flavor profile, but you can use black pepper as a substitute if necessary. Avoid deep frying and use minimal oil in the air fryer for a healthier version of salt and pepper chips.

What are some serving suggestions and variations for salt and pepper chips?

Salt and pepper chips are delicious on their own or served with sweet chili sauce or a spicier dip. They can be enjoyed as a side dish or paired with other Chinese-inspired dishes like fried rice or vegetable noodles. You can also add extra vegetables or protein to customize the dish to your liking.

How should I store and reheat leftover salt and pepper chips?

Store any leftover salt and pepper chips in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 days. To reheat, place them back in the air fryer or oven and cook until thoroughly heated. Note that reheated chips may not be as crispy as freshly made ones.

Where can I find the ingredients for salt and pepper chips in the UK?

In the UK, you can find frozen oven chips in supermarkets like Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Waitrose, M&S, and Morrisons. They are available in various sizes, brands, and flavors. You can choose between store-brand chips or popular brands like McCain or Aunt Bessie’s. Check the cooking instructions on the package for the recommended temperature and time.

How can I make easy salt and pepper chips?

Making perfect salt and pepper chips in the air fryer is a convenient and healthier option compared to deep frying. With the right combination of seasoning and cooking methods, you can enjoy crispy, flavorful chips without the guilt. Experiment with different variations and serving suggestions to create the best salt and pepper chips tailored to your taste.

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