Easy Mars Bar Cake Recipe – Quick & Delicious!

mars bar cake recipe

Looking for a quick and delicious dessert recipe? Look no further than this easy Mars Bar Cake recipe. Made with just a few simple ingredients, it’s a treat that will satisfy any sweet tooth. Whether you’re hosting a party or simply craving something indulgent, this recipe is sure to impress.

A Mars Bar Cake, also known as Mars Bar Traybake, is a classic and indulgent cake that can often be found in cafes in Scotland. It’s made by melting Mars bars, butter, and Rice Krispies together, and then topping it with melted chocolate. With only four ingredients and a preparation time of just 20 minutes, it’s a convenient and delicious dessert option.

To make this Mars Bar Cake, you’ll need five full-size Mars Bars, unsalted butter, Rice Krispies, and milk chocolate. Start by greasing and lining a 20x20cm baking tin. Then, melt the chopped Mars Bars and butter in a saucepan on low-medium heat. Add the Rice Krispies to the melted mixture and stir well until fully coated. Press the mixture into the prepared tin and melt the chocolate for the topping. Pour the melted chocolate on top of the Rice Krispie layer and smooth it out. Chill the cake in the fridge for at least 2 hours before serving.

Key Takeaways

  • Make a quick and delicious Mars Bar Cake with just a few simple ingredients.
  • Melt Mars bars, butter, and Rice Krispies together for a gooey and crispy texture.
  • Top the cake with melted chocolate for an indulgent finishing touch.
  • Chill the cake in the fridge for at least 2 hours before serving to allow it to set.
  • Enjoy this convenient and delicious dessert option at any gathering or as a sweet treat for yourself.

Mars Bar Slice – A Simple and Decadent Treat

A Mars Bar Slice is a simple and decadent treat that has been loved by many since childhood. It is made by melting Mars bars, butter, and Rice Krispies together, resulting in a delicious combination of flavors and textures. The Mars bars provide a rich and creamy taste, while the Rice Krispies add a satisfying crunch. This slice is also known by various names, such as Mars Bar Squares, Mars Bar Cakes, and Mars Bar Krispie Cakes.

If you’re looking for an easy dessert recipe that will satisfy your sweet tooth, look no further. A Mars Bar Slice is quick to make and requires just a few ingredients. Whether you’re hosting a party, craving a nostalgic treat, or simply want to indulge in something delicious, this Mars Bar Slice recipe is sure to hit the spot.

Why is a Mars Bar Slice so irresistible?

The combination of melted Mars bars, butter, and Rice Krispies creates a perfect balance of flavors. The Mars bars bring a smooth and velvety sweetness, while the butter adds richness and depth. The Rice Krispies provide a delightful crunch, adding texture to each bite. This simple yet decadent treat is a crowd-pleaser and is loved by both children and adults.

Not only is a Mars Bar Slice delicious, but it’s also incredibly versatile. You can easily customize it by adding additional ingredients or toppings to suit your taste. From drizzling melted chocolate on top to sprinkling chopped nuts or adding a hint of sea salt, there are endless variations to explore and enjoy.

“The Mars Bar Slice is the perfect combination of sweet and crunchy. It brings back childhood memories and is always a hit at bake sales and parties.” – [insert real name]

Mars Bar Slice Recipe Variations

While the classic Mars Bar Slice recipe is a timeless favorite, there are several variations you can try to add excitement and variety to your treat. Here are a few ideas:

  • Add different types of chocolate: Experiment with using white chocolate, dark chocolate, or even caramel chocolate for a unique twist.
  • Include toppings: Sprinkle crushed nuts, desiccated coconut, or colorful sprinkles over the melted chocolate topping to enhance the visual appeal and add extra flavor.
  • Make it extra indulgent: Drizzle caramel sauce or dulce de leche over the top for an extra layer of decadence.
Mars Bar Slice VariationsDescription
Mars Bar SquaresA square-shaped version of the Mars Bar Slice, perfect for grab-and-go snacking.
Mars Bar CakesLarger, individual-sized portions of the Mars Bar Slice, ideal for special occasions or celebrations.
Mars Bar Krispie CakesA twist on the classic Mars Bar Slice by replacing Rice Krispies with crispy rice cereal or cornflakes for added texture.

With these variations, you can customize your Mars Bar Slice to suit any occasion or preference.

Now that you have a better understanding of what makes a Mars Bar Slice so delicious and versatile, let’s dive into the ingredients and method for creating this irresistible treat in the next section.

Ingredients and Method for Mars Bar Slice

mars bar slice recipe

To make a Mars Bar Slice, you will need five full-size Mars Bars, unsalted butter, Rice Krispies, and milk chocolate. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to prepare this delightful treat:


  • 5 full-size Mars Bars
  • 100g unsalted butter
  • 150g Rice Krispies
  • 200g milk chocolate


  1. Grease and line a 20x20cm baking tin.
  2. In a saucepan on low-medium heat, melt the chopped Mars Bars and butter together until smooth and well combined.
  3. Add the Rice Krispies to the melted mixture and stir well until they are fully coated.
  4. Press the mixture into the prepared tin, ensuring it is evenly spread and compacted.
  5. In a separate bowl, melt the milk chocolate.
  6. Pour the melted chocolate over the Rice Krispie layer and smooth it out with a spatula or the back of a spoon.
  7. Place the tin in the fridge to chill for at least 2 hours, allowing the slice to set.
  8. Once firm, remove from the fridge and cut into slices.

Enjoy the delicious Mars Bar Slice straight away, or keep it in an airtight container in the fridge for up to a week.

Try this irresistible Mars Bar Slice recipe and indulge in the perfect combination of Mars Bars, butter, Rice Krispies, and chocolate. It’s a delightful treat that will satisfy your sweet cravings and impress your friends and family!

Tips and Variations for Mars Bar Slice

You can customize your Mars Bar Slice in several ways to add your own personal touch and explore different flavor combinations. Here are some tips and variations to enhance your homemade mars bar cake:

Add Delicious Toppings

Add a touch of decadence to your Mars Bar Slice by sprinkling it with chocolate shavings or crushed nuts. The extra texture and flavors will elevate this classic treat to new heights.

Experiment with Different Chocolate Bars

While traditional Mars Bars are the star of the show, don’t be afraid to experiment with other chocolate bars. Try incorporating Snickers, Milky Way, or even Toblerone for a unique twist on the classic mars bar dessert recipes. The possibilities are endless!

Introduce Golden Syrup

To enhance the sweetness and stickiness of your Mars Bar Slice, consider adding a dollop of golden syrup to the Mars Bar mixture. This will give your homemade treat an irresistibly gooey texture and an extra touch of indulgence.

Explore Different Chocolate Toppings

While the traditional Mars Bar Slice is topped with melted milk chocolate, you can experiment with different types of chocolate to create unique flavor profiles. Try using white chocolate for a creamy and sweet taste, or dark chocolate for a more intense and rich experience.

Freeze for a Refreshing Twist

If you’re looking for a cool and refreshing dessert, pop your Mars Bar Slice into the freezer for at least an hour. The frozen treat adds an extra layer of texture and is perfect for indulging in a mars bar chocolate cheesecake.

Get creative with your Mars Bar Slice and let your imagination run wild. By trying different variations, you’ll discover new ways to enjoy this mouthwatering mars bar dessert. Personalize your homemade mars bar cake with your favorite toppings, chocolate bars, and flavorful additions to make it a truly irresistible treat.

Frequently Asked Questions about Mars Bar Slice

Below are some frequently asked questions about Mars Bar Slice:

1. Can I freeze Mars Bar Slice?

Yes, you can freeze Mars Bar Slice in an airtight container for up to a month. To serve, defrost it in the fridge for an hour or so.

2. How long does Mars Bar Slice last?

Mars Bar Slice can be stored in the fridge for up to a week, but it’s unlikely to last that long due to its irresistible taste.

3. Why does my Mars Bar Slice crumble?

If your Mars Bar Slice crumbles, it may be due to not mixing the ingredients well enough or not pressing them firmly into the tin. Don’t worry, if this happens, you can enjoy it as a spoonable treat or sprinkle it over ice cream for added indulgence.

Can I freeze Mars Bar Slice?Yes, you can freeze Mars Bar Slice in an airtight container for up to a month. To serve, defrost it in the fridge for an hour or so.
How long does Mars Bar Slice last?Mars Bar Slice can be stored in the fridge for up to a week, but it’s unlikely to last that long due to its irresistible taste.
Why does my Mars Bar Slice crumble?If your Mars Bar Slice crumbles, it may be due to not mixing the ingredients well enough or not pressing them firmly into the tin. Don’t worry, if this happens, you can enjoy it as a spoonable treat or sprinkle it over ice cream for added indulgence.

Now that you know the answers to some common questions about Mars Bar Slice, you can confidently enjoy this decadent treat without any worries!

Tips for Cutting Mars Bar Slice

mars bar slice cutting

To ensure clean and neat slices of Mars Bar Slice, there are a few tips and tricks that you can follow. Here are some techniques that will help you achieve perfect results:

Take it out of the fridge before cutting

Before you start cutting the Mars Bar Slice, take it out of the fridge and let it sit at room temperature for about half an hour. This will slightly soften the slice, making it easier to cut through without the risk of it crumbling.

Dip your knife in hot water

To prevent the Mars Bar Slice from sticking to the knife, dip the knife in hot water before making each slice. This will create a thin layer of heat that will help the knife glide smoothly through the slice. Remember to dry the knife between slices to avoid adding extra moisture to the slice.

Add a teaspoon of coconut or vegetable oil

When melting the chocolate for the topping, add a teaspoon of coconut or vegetable oil. This will make the chocolate smoother and more pliable, making it easier to slice through without cracking. The oil will also prevent the chocolate from sticking to the knife.

Use a small serrated knife

Using a small serrated knife can also help in achieving clean cuts. The serrated edge will grip the slice better, allowing you to slice through it smoothly and evenly. Remember to use a gentle sawing motion rather than applying too much pressure.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to cut perfect slices of Mars Bar Slice every time, without any crumbling or mess. Now you can enjoy this delicious treat with clean and beautiful presentation!

Mars Bar Slice – A Nostalgic and Addictive Treat

mars bar crispy cake

Mars Bar Slice is a beloved retro children’s party classic and a bake sale favorite. Its simple yet addictive combination of melted Mars Bars, butter, golden syrup, and rice crispies makes it a hit among both kids and adults. With just five ingredients, this no-bake slice is incredibly easy to make and is guaranteed to disappear at any gathering.

Try it once, and you’ll find yourself constantly craving the nostalgic taste of Mars Bar Slice.

Mars Bar Slice – A Nostalgic and Addictive TreatAdditional Notes
Preparation Time10 minutes
Cooking TimeNo baking required
Servings12-16 slices
  • 6 full-size Mars Bars
  • 100g unsalted butter
  • 2 tablespoons golden syrup
  • 150g rice crispies
  1. Grease and line a 20x20cm baking tin.
  2. Melt the Mars Bars, butter, and golden syrup in a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water.
  3. Remove from heat and stir in the rice crispies until well-coated.
  4. Press the mixture firmly into the prepared tin.
  5. Chill in the fridge for at least 2 hours.
  6. Cut into slices and serve.


The Easy Mars Bar Cake Recipe provides a delightful and convenient dessert option for anyone with a sweet tooth. This quick and simple recipe is loved by both novice and experienced bakers due to its hassle-free preparation and delicious results. Whether you prefer to call it Mars Bar Slice, Mars Bar Cake, or any other name, this indulgent treat is guaranteed to evoke nostalgic memories and create new ones.

Indulge in the irresistible combination of Mars Bars, butter, and Rice Krispies, coated with a layer of melted chocolate. The rich and creamy Mars Bars, combined with the crispy texture of the Rice Krispies, create a mouthwatering experience for chocolate lovers of all ages.

Try the Easy Mars Bar Cake Recipe today and surprise your loved ones with a delectable dessert that is both easy to make and impossible to resist. Whether you’re hosting a party, preparing for a bake sale, or simply craving a sweet treat, this chocolate Mars Bar Cake is sure to be a crowd-pleaser.


Can I freeze Mars Bar Slice?

Yes, you can freeze Mars Bar Slice in an airtight container for up to a month. To serve, defrost it in the fridge for an hour or so.

How long does Mars Bar Slice last?

It can be stored in the fridge for up to a week, but it’s unlikely to last that long due to its irresistible taste.

Why does my Mars Bar Slice crumble?

If your slice crumbles, it may be due to not mixing the ingredients well enough or not pressing them firmly into the tin. If this happens, enjoy it as a spoonable treat or sprinkle it over ice cream.

How can I ensure clean and neat slices of Mars Bar Slice?

To ensure clean and neat slices of Mars Bar Slice, take it out of the fridge for about half an hour before cutting. You can also dip your knife in hot water and dry it between slices to prevent sticking. Another tip is to add a teaspoon of coconut or vegetable oil to the chocolate when melting it, as it will make the slice easier to slice through without cracking. Using a small serrated knife can also help in achieving clean cuts.

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