Easy Gluten Free Biscuit Recipe | Delicious Treats

gluten free biscuit recipe

Are you looking for a delicious gluten-free biscuit recipe? Look no further! In this article, I will share with you an easy and mouthwatering recipe for homemade gluten-free biscuits. Whether you have dietary restrictions or simply want to explore gluten-free baking, this recipe is sure to delight your taste buds.

Gluten-free biscuits are a fantastic alternative for those who cannot tolerate gluten or choose to follow a gluten-free lifestyle. They are light, fluffy, and packed with flavor – the perfect treat for breakfast, tea time, or any moment you crave something delightful. Plus, making your own biscuits allows you to control the ingredients and ensure everything is fresh and free from gluten.

Key Takeaways:

  • Gluten-free biscuits are a tasty treat for those with dietary restrictions.
  • Making your own biscuits allows you to control the ingredients and ensure they are gluten-free.
  • This easy recipe is perfect for beginners and seasoned bakers alike.
  • Enjoy these homemade biscuits for breakfast, tea time, or as a delicious snack.
  • Experiment with different shapes and flavors to customize your gluten-free biscuit creations.

Ingredients for Gluten Free Shortbread Biscuits

To make these gluten-free shortbread biscuits, you will need the following ingredients:

Stork Baking Spread, chilled110g
Gluten-free plain flour110g
Caster sugar, plus a little extra for dusting60g

Gluten free shortbread biscuits, gluten free recipe, gluten free baking recipe

Instructions for Making Gluten Free Shortbread Biscuits

gluten free shortbread biscuits

Follow these simple instructions to make your own gluten-free shortbread biscuits:

  1. Preheat your oven to 160C (fan) and line a large baking tray with non-stick baking paper.
  2. Mix the Stork Baking Spread and sugar together until smooth.
  3. Sift the flour and cornflour into the mixture and stir until crumbly. Knead the dough with your hands until it forms a soft, smooth biscuit dough.
  4. Sprinkle some sugar onto the baking paper and roll out the dough to a thickness of 5-7mm.
  5. Use a biscuit cutter to cut out rounds from the dough. Place the biscuits on the baking tray, leaving some space between them.
  6. Sprinkle the raw biscuits generously with caster sugar.
  7. Bake the biscuits in the preheated oven for 16-18 minutes.
  8. Once baked, transfer the biscuits to a wire rack and allow them to cool completely before enjoying.

If you prefer a visual guide, here’s an image to help you along:

With these easy-to-follow instructions, you can create delicious homemade gluten-free shortbread biscuits that will impress your family and friends. Enjoy these treats as a snack or serve them alongside a cup of tea for a delightful gluten-free indulgence. Happy baking!

Alternative Gluten Free Biscuit Recipes

gluten-free gingerbread people

If you’re looking for more gluten-free biscuit recipes, you’ll love these delectable alternatives to traditional biscuits. Try making Gluten Free Gingerbread People or Spekulatius Profiteroles to add a tasty twist to your baking repertoire. These recipes are not only gluten-free but also perfect for breakfast or as a treat throughout the day. Get creative with different shapes and flavors to craft your own unique gluten-free biscuit creations that will impress everyone.

“The Gluten Free Gingerbread People recipe is a delightful option for the festive season. Decorate these gluten-free biscuits with icing and candy for a fun and delicious treat.” – Celebrity Chef Ainsley Harriott

For a more indulgent option, indulge in the rich flavors of Spekulatius Profiteroles. These bite-sized treats are made from gluten-free dough filled with a creamy and luxurious filling. Whether you’re craving a sweet breakfast or a delightful afternoon snack, these gluten-free profiteroles are sure to satisfy your taste buds.

Experiment with various shapes and flavors, infusing your gluten-free biscuit creations with your own personal touch. Let your imagination soar as you whip up these alternative recipes, ensuring that your gluten-free biscuits remain delicious and enjoyable for all.

The Gluten Free Gingerbread People Recipe

  • 175g gluten-free plain flour
  • 75g ground almonds
  • 2 tsp ground ginger
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1 tsp gluten-free baking powder
  • 50g unsalted butter
  • 50g light soft brown sugar
  • 3 tbsp golden syrup
  • 1 egg yolk
  1. Preheat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Line two baking trays with parchment paper.
  2. In a large bowl, mix together the flour, ground almonds, ginger, cinnamon, and baking powder.
  3. Add the butter and rub it into the dry ingredients until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.
  4. Add the sugar and mix well.
  5. In a separate bowl, whisk together the golden syrup and egg yolk. Pour this mixture into the dry ingredients and mix until a soft dough forms.
  6. Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface to a thickness of 4mm.
  7. Using gingerbread people-shaped cookie cutters, cut out the dough and place the shapes onto the prepared baking trays.
  8. Bake in the preheated oven for 10-12 minutes or until golden brown.
  9. Allow the gingerbread people to cool on the trays for 5 minutes before transferring them to a wire rack to cool completely.

Now you can enjoy the classic charm of gingerbread people with the added benefit of being gluten-free.


In conclusion, this easy gluten-free biscuit recipe provides a delicious treat for those with dietary restrictions. By using simple ingredients and following the step-by-step instructions, you can enjoy homemade biscuits that are gluten-free and full of flavor. Whether you’re new to gluten-free baking or have been experimenting with gluten-free recipes for a while, this recipe is sure to satisfy your cravings for a tasty biscuit. So why not give it a try and indulge in some homemade gluten-free biscuits today?


What ingredients do I need to make gluten-free shortbread biscuits?

To make gluten-free shortbread biscuits, you will need Stork Baking Spread (chilled), gluten-free plain flour, cornflour, and caster sugar.

How do I make gluten-free shortbread biscuits?

Follow these simple instructions to make gluten-free shortbread biscuits: Mix the Stork Baking Spread and sugar, sift in the flour and cornflour, knead the dough, roll it out, cut out rounds, sprinkle sugar, and bake in the oven.

What are some alternative gluten-free biscuit recipes?

If you’re looking for more gluten-free biscuit recipes, you can try making Gluten Free Gingerbread People or Spekulatius Profiteroles.

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