Classic Philadelphia Cheesecake Recipe – Easy & Creamy

philadelphia cheesecake recipe

Did you know that the average American consumes over 23 pounds of cheesecake per year? That’s a staggering amount of indulgence in this creamy and decadent dessert. If you’re a cheesecake lover like me, you’ll be thrilled to discover this classic Philadelphia cheesecake recipe that is not only easy to make but also delivers a heavenly creamy texture that will leave you craving for more.

This classic Philadelphia cheesecake recipe features a simple crust made from graham cracker crumbs, melted butter, and sugar. The luscious filling is made with Philadelphia cream cheese, sugar, vanilla, and eggs, creating a velvety smooth texture that melts in your mouth. Baked to perfection in the oven until the center is almost set and then chilled for 4 hours, this cheesecake yields a delightful taste and an unforgettable experience.

Key Takeaways

  • Philadelphia cream cheese is the secret ingredient for the rich and creamy texture of this classic cheesecake.
  • The graham cracker crust provides a deliciously crunchy base for the creamy filling.
  • Prep time for this recipe is 20 minutes, baking time is 55 minutes, and chilling time is 4 hours.
  • Ensure all ingredients are at room temperature for a smooth and creamy texture.
  • Vary the crust and experiment with different toppings to personalize your cheesecake.

Ingredients for Classic Philadelphia Cheesecake

When it comes to creating the perfect classic Philadelphia cheesecake, it all starts with the right ingredients. Here’s a breakdown of what you’ll need:

Philadelphia cream cheese4 (8-ounce) packages
Graham cracker crumbs1 ½ cups
Butter or margarine⅓ cup, melted
Sugar3 tablespoons
Vanilla extract1 teaspoon

Let’s take a closer look at some of these key ingredients and their roles in creating this mouthwatering cheesecake:

  • Philadelphia cream cheese: This creamy and rich cheese is the star of the show, giving the cheesecake its velvety smooth texture and luscious flavor.
  • Graham cracker crumbs: The crunchy graham cracker crust adds a delightful contrast to the creamy filling, providing a satisfying bite with each forkful.
  • Butter: Melted butter or margarine binds the graham cracker crumbs together, creating a solid and delicious foundation for the cheesecake.
  • Sugar: Just the right amount of sugar sweetens the cheesecake, enhancing its overall taste without overwhelming the other flavors.
  • Vanilla extract: A touch of vanilla extract adds a delightful aroma and depth of flavor to the cheesecake, elevating it to new heights of deliciousness.
  • Eggs: The eggs are crucial for binding and setting the cheesecake, helping to achieve that perfect texture that melts in your mouth.

Preparation and Baking Time

When it comes to making this classic Philadelphia cheesecake, you’ll be happy to know that the prep time is only 20 minutes. The baking time takes approximately 55 minutes, during which the cheesecake transforms into a golden delight. However, it’s important to note that additional time is required for chilling the cheesecake. To achieve the perfect texture and allow the flavors to meld together, you’ll need to refrigerate the cheesecake for 4 hours. Patience is key when it comes to creating this mouthwatering dessert.

The total time from start to finish for this recipe is about 5 hours and 15 minutes. This includes the preparation, the baking, and the chilling process. But trust me, the end result is definitely worth the wait.

When it comes time to serve your delicious creation, this recipe yields 16 servings. It’s perfect for sharing with family and friends at any gathering or special occasion. Plus, with its rich and creamy texture, a little slice goes a long way.

It’s important to note that this recipe is specifically designed to make a 9-inch cheesecake. The size of the cheesecake can vary depending on your preference, but keep in mind that altering the size may affect the baking time.

Prep TimeCook TimeTotal TimeServingsYield
20 minutes55 minutes5 hours and 15 minutes169-inch cheesecake

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step-by-Step Instructions for Classic Philadelphia Cheesecake

Here is a simple step-by-step guide on how to make this classic Philadelphia cheesecake:

  1. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C).
  2. Mix together the graham cracker crumbs, melted butter, and sugar in a bowl.
  3. Press the mixture onto the bottom of a 9-inch springform pan to form the crust.
  4. In a mixing bowl, beat the cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla until smooth.
  5. Add the eggs one at a time, mixing on low speed until just blended.
  6. Pour the filling over the crust.
  7. Bake in the preheated oven until the center is almost set, about 55 minutes.
  8. Cool the cheesecake before removing the pan rim.
  9. Refrigerate for 4 hours before serving.

Follow these instructions carefully for a perfectly baked and delicious cheesecake!

If you prefer a visual guide, take a look at this image that illustrates the step-by-step process:

Now you’re ready to bake your own classic Philadelphia cheesecake. It’s a simple process that yields a masterpiece of creamy deliciousness. The combination of the graham cracker crust and the smooth cream cheese filling is truly irresistible. Whether you’re a seasoned baker or a beginner, you’ll impress your family and friends with this homemade treat.

Tips and Variations

Tips and Variations

To ensure the best results when making this classic Philadelphia cheesecake, I recommend starting with all the ingredients at room temperature. This simple step will help you achieve a smooth and creamy texture that is sure to impress.

You can also get creative with the crust by using different types of cookies or biscuits. Experiment with flavors like chocolate or cinnamon to add a unique twist to your cheesecake. By changing up the crust, you can create endless variations of this classic dessert.

When it comes to serving suggestions, the possibilities are endless. One option is to top your cheesecake with fresh fruit, such as strawberries or blueberries, for a burst of color and freshness. For those who love chocolate, drizzle some chocolate sauce over the top and watch it beautifully cascade down the smooth surface of the cheesecake. If you’re a fan of indulgence, add a dollop of whipped cream to each slice to enhance the creamy richness even further.

Variations you can try:

  • Use digestive biscuits instead of graham crackers for a British twist.
  • Add a layer of caramel sauce between the crust and filling for a gooey surprise.
  • Mix crushed Oreos into the crust for a cookies and cream cheesecake.
  • Sprinkle crushed nuts, such as almonds or walnuts, on top for added crunch.

With these tips and variations, you can take the classic Philadelphia cheesecake recipe and make it your own. Whether you’re serving it at a dinner party or enjoying a slice as a special treat, the possibilities for customization are endless.

The History of Cheesecake

History of cheesecake

Cheesecake has a long and fascinating history, with its origins dating back to ancient Greece. However, the modern version of cheesecake that we enjoy today, with its irresistible combination of a soft fresh cheese filling and a delectable crust, emerged in the 18th century.

This delectable dessert has gained popularity across different culinary traditions worldwide. Although variations of cheesecake can be found in various cuisines, they all share a common ingredient – a soft fresh cheese. In fact, the use of a soft fresh cheese is what gives cheesecake its distinctive and creamy texture.

When it comes to making the perfect cheesecake, one ingredient stands out – Philadelphia cream cheese. Its rich and creamy consistency makes it the ideal choice for achieving that heavenly texture in our classic Philadelphia cheesecake recipe.

Whether you’re indulging in a slice of classic Philadelphia cheesecake or exploring different cheesecake recipes from around the world, the history and evolution of this beloved dessert has left its mark on our taste buds. With every creamy and decadent bite, we pay homage to the ancient Greeks and the culinary innovators who have perfected and reinvented cheesecake throughout the centuries.

Other Cheesecake Recipes

Other Cheesecake Recipes

If you’re a fan of cheesecake, you may want to try other delicious variations. Some popular options include strawberry white chocolate cheesecake, Smarties cheesecake, and Baileys cheesecake. These recipes offer different flavors and toppings, but all use the same principles as the classic Philadelphia cheesecake.

Indulge your taste buds with these irresistible cheesecake recipes:

Strawberry White Chocolate Cheesecake

This luscious strawberry white chocolate cheesecake combines the sweetness of fresh strawberries with the creamy richness of white chocolate. The vibrant red strawberries and velvety white chocolate create a visually stunning dessert that is as delicious as it looks.

Smarties Cheesecake

If you’re a fan of colourful and crunchy Smarties candies, this Smarties cheesecake is the perfect treat for you. The creamy cheesecake filling is studded with these vibrant chocolate candies, adding a burst of color and crunch to every bite.

Baileys Cheesecake

For those who enjoy a hint of Irish cream liqueur in their desserts, this Baileys cheesecake is a dream come true. The smooth and creamy cheesecake is infused with the rich and indulgent flavors of Baileys, making it a decadent treat for any occasion.

Whether you’re craving the fruity sweetness of strawberry white chocolate, the playful crunch of Smarties, or the luxurious indulgence of Baileys, these cheesecake recipes will satisfy your dessert cravings. Try them all and discover your new favorite cheesecake variation!


In conclusion, this classic Philadelphia cheesecake recipe is a must-try for any cheesecake lover. Its easy preparation and creamy texture make it a crowd-pleasing dessert that can be enjoyed on any occasion. Whether you stick to the traditional recipe or experiment with variations, you’re sure to impress with this classic dessert. So grab your ingredients and get ready to indulge in a slice of cheesecake heaven.


Is this classic Philadelphia cheesecake recipe easy to make?

Yes, this recipe is straightforward and easy to follow.

What are the main ingredients for this classic Philadelphia cheesecake?

The main ingredients include Philadelphia cream cheese, graham cracker crumbs, butter, sugar, vanilla, and eggs.

How long does it take to prepare and bake this cheesecake?

The prep time is 20 minutes, and the baking time is 55 minutes. The total time, including chilling, is 5 hours and 15 minutes.

How many servings does this classic Philadelphia cheesecake yield?

This recipe yields 16 servings, and it makes a 9-inch cheesecake.

What are the step-by-step instructions for making this cheesecake?

The step-by-step instructions can be found in the main article.

Are there any tips or variations for this classic Philadelphia cheesecake?

Yes, you can find tips and variations in the main article, including suggestions for different crusts and toppings.

What is the history of cheesecake?

Cheesecake dates back to ancient Greece, but the modern version with a fresh cheese filling and crust evolved in the 18th century. The main ingredient in all versions is a soft fresh cheese.

Are there any other cheesecake recipes to try?

Yes, there are other delicious variations to try, such as strawberry white chocolate cheesecake, Smarties cheesecake, and Baileys cheesecake.

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